

New Here?


Coming to a church for the first time can be a strange experience. We understand. Maybe you come from an nonreligious background. Or maybe you come from a very religious background. Maybe you are not a Christian and you are curious to see what Jesus is all about. No matter where you come from or who you are, we try to make everything easy to understand and comfortable for you. We won’t call you out or ask you to do anything. You can simply come, be yourself, and observe or participate as much or as little as you want. You can expect to be greeted at the door and shown around by our welcome team if you would like. Or, you can simply find a seat in the sanctuary and wait for the service to start.

What do you have for my children?

We have a fantastic children’s ministry for children age 1 up through 6th grade called Wheatland Kids (click for more details). We also have a nursery room for parents with infants where parents can see and listen to the service and still have an enclosed space to care for their newborns. Unless there are special needs to consider (we are happy to try to accommodate), 7th grade students and older are invited to participate with everyone in the sanctuary.

Sunday Service: 10:00am

Wondering what a service at WCC feels or looks like? Explore this website (“About Us”, then “Worship Service Archives”) to see what a worship service is like. We also livestream our service  HERE.

When the service begins, we start by singing. The songs we sing are usually prayerful and reflective or celebratory and expressive. It is our time to worship God. After the singing, there is a sermon. The purpose of the sermon is to consider who God is, what He has done, and how we should respond. We cover a variety of topics and the sermons are always based on the Bible. Then, we sing a closing song, maybe make a few announcements, then close in prayer. We do not take an offering or ask for financial gifts during the service. Our members and attendees know that they can give either online or in the offering boxes in the sanctuary. As our guest, we don’t ask or expect you to give.

We’re here for you!

We are located at 6746 East River Rd, Rush, NY 14543.
Phone: (585)355-0063
Email: kevin@wheatlandchurch.com

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