Preschoolers – 3 year old through Pre-K
Cubbies is designed to be fun with a purpose. Clubbers learn a different lesson each week through games, stories with puppets, as well as completing relevant crafts.
Active parent involvement is crucial to your Clubber’s success in the program. Each week you need to read the Bear Hug to your Clubber and help them memorize their verse. The Handbook provides you with specific instructions on how to help your Clubber understand each lesson. Please sign the Bear Hug each week so your Clubber’s leader knows the section has been worked on. Parents can also assist their Clubbers by helping them remember to come prepared for Theme Nights.
Cubbies meets in the lower level of our church building, downstairs. Please drop your Clubber off promptly at 6:00 p.m. They must be picked up by a parent or parent representative by 7:15 p.m. Every week, you will need to sign your child in and out before your child may leave. This is for safety reasons.
Once a Clubber passes their Bear Hug Brochure, they will receive a handbook and uniform.
It is important that vests be worn weekly. They should be kept neat and clean, with achievements displayed as shown at the beginning of the handbook. Clubbers must be wearing their vests in order to receive their badge. We put the badges in the pocket of their vest for you to iron on.
Please pay membership dues per clubber for the year. If you are unable to pay, please let us know and a donor will pay your way for you.
It is important that uniforms be worn weekly. They should be kept neat and clean, with achievements displayed as shown at the end of the handbook. Clubbers must be wearing their uniforms in order to receive their awards. It can be made at any time, but is not due until the items are actually received.
Service Project(s)
The cubbies will be doing an ongoing service project(s) throughout the year like making cards for the Care Ministry of Wheatland Community Church, and cards for the Avon nursing home. These cards go to people at WCC or Avon nursing home who are ill, injured, hurting, or in need of help or encouragement.
Weekly Schedule
Coming in Time– 5-10 minutes before Awana starts as the kids come in. They’ll do activities and play. It’s a fun time of interaction with the Cubbie Bear puppet and his friends
Celebration Time – Prayer and Singing
Puppet Show and Lesson-Puppet stories introduce the lesson theme in an interactive and entertaining way. A time to let God’s Word teach and transform you.
Handbook Time – Small group time to review discuss and apply the Bible lesson, recite memory work and complete an activity that reinforces their learning.
Snack Time – A favorite . . . FOOD!
Game & Craft Time – is an energetic motion-filled time of non-competitive games and crafts that reinforce the lesson theme.
Thank you for our Cubbie Leaders who make our children feel welcome.