Table of Contents
A Note from our Commander:
The probability of a person accepting Christ as Savior is highest between the ages of 4 and 14. Religious beliefs are largely set by age 13 and statistically don’t change much in adulthood. In our Awana Club we have the opportunity to be involved in the lives of Clubbers within that age range. This is exciting to us and is our passion.
It is our desire that while your child is here they will have the opportunity to know who Jesus Christ is, to love Him deeper and to serve Him with their whole life. We will help them to meet those goals through the study of God’s Word and the memorization of scripture, with fun mixed throughout.
We are also here to connect to your family. If there are ways we can help or if you have questions or concerns, please seek me out on any Wednesday night or at
We look forward to another exciting year!
Club Commander Jennifer Howard
COVID Guidelines:
At this time, Awana is not requiring clubbers to wear masks but it may be mandatory for some special events like the Zoo visiting. We will let you know if and when this policy changes to the policy below. If you have special needs, please let us know at
- Please follow normal sick children guidelines when determining whether your child should come or stay home.
Club Rules:
Wear sneakers for Game Time.
We ask that there be no bare midriffs for boys or girls and that shorts have at least a 5” inseam.
Hats should stay at home or be hung up for the night (unless it is hat night, of course!).
Gum, food and drink are to be enjoyed before and after Club.
Treat church property respectfully.
Treat others respectfully.
Club Guidelines:
5 Count: The 5-count is used by all leadership and simply involves counting to 5 to give Clubbers notice of the immediate need for quiet in order to refocus their attention.
1-2-3 Rule: The 1-2-3 rule allows Clubbers three opportunities to understand that rules are important and must be followed if they are to be allowed to enjoy participating in Club activities.
1 – Clubbers will be advised by a Club Leader or the Commander if they have violated a Club Rule.
2 – Parents will be notified if an offense has occurred a second time.
3 – Clubbers will be suspended from Club for one week if the offense occurs three times. Following the suspension, Clubbers are welcomed back to Club if they agree to abide by Club Rules in the future.
Working together is the key to success!
Bring each week:
- Bible
- Book
- Uniform
As a general rule, if Rush- Henrietta Schools are closed, there will be no Awana. If the Awana program is closed for emergencies, you will be contacted by phone. You may also contact the Club Commander at
Clubbers must attempt to comply with the requirements as written in the handbook. If they are unable to, the following alternatives are accepted:
- Write a letter to a friend explaining what Awana is. Give a simple salvation message and invitation to Club. Bring the letter to show to your Director to be read and mailed.
- Bring two friends to church. Parent must send in a note stating that the requirement was completed.
- Wear your Awana uniform to school. Parent or teacher must send in a note stating that the requirement was completed.
- Do an outreach project such as going to a Nursing Home to visit or sending cards to the residents.

The goal of awards is to encourage, motivate and reward the Clubbers. Awards are biblical – throughout scripture awards are given in recognition of special achievement or obedience. The Israelites gained the Promised Land, and all believers are promised crowns which will be cast at our Master’s feet.
Awards are earned throughout the year for completion of sections as they work through their book and for Club attendance. We encourage parents to attend to see their Clubbers earn their awards.
Awards are handed out at the award ceremony
Closing Ceremony
This is a time when we recognize the achievements of our Clubbers. You, as parents, play an integral part in their success, and we encourage you to join us for this special time. Special Note: All memory work must be completed and signed off by a Leader no later than the Sunday before Closing Ceremony.
Handbook Completion Award (Sparks & T&T Clubs):
To qualify, a Clubber must complete his/her handbook.
Service Award (All Clubs):
To qualify, a Clubber must participate in one community service of his/her choice. Clubber must bring in a note from his/her parent verifying the service.
Gamer Award (All Clubs):
To qualify, a Clubber must have the highest achievement of athleticisms during the Awana games in his/her club.
Sportsmanship Award (All Clubs):
To qualify, a Clubber must have the best attitude and kindness toward clubbers and staff during the Awana games in his/her group.
Awana Points
At the end of each semester the clubbers may turn their points in for toys. Look at the calendar for when the Awana store is open. The club leaders keep a record of the points and tells the clubbers how many points they have to spend. If they do not want to use their points up each month, they may accumulate their points from month to month but at the end of the school year they expire.
All Clubbers have the opportunity to earn Awana Points.
The Point System is as follows:
The way to receive points is by completing a section in the handbook.
Family Dinners
Clubs Participating: Cubbies, Sparks, T&T
Bring the family for some great food and fellowship. Check out the WCC calendar / Awana schedule for more detailed information.
Possible events:
Check the current theme night schedule as not all of the following events will occur each year.
Rake Leaves for the Elderly
Club Participating: All
Clubbers are encouraged to be involved with serving others. One way to serve is by raking leaves for elderly residents that are not able to rake their own yards. See WCC Calendar or Awana Schedule for more details of when and where. This is a family serving opportunity. Please stay with your children. Bring your rakes and supplies.
Christmas and Easter Card Making for Avon Nursing Facility
Club Participating: Sparks and T&T
Another way to serve is by making cards for the residents. The cards will be hand delivered at 215 Clinton Street, Avon, NY, 14614.
Gifts for CURE childhood cancer Association
The sparks and T&T will have opportunity to buy toys to donate for the children of CURE, a local based support group for families of kids diagnosed with cancer and blood disorders. They offer support in a variety of ways including financial, meals, tutoring services, gifts for Christmas and provide other numerous events.
Rescue & Revive
Clubbers have the opportunity raise funds to donate to a ministry that focuses on preaching and teaching the gospel through outreaches and open air services.
Toys for the Ronald McDonald House
The sparks kids will have the opportunity to buy toys at the Awana store for the children of the Ronald McDonald House. Also, if a child is able to bring a toy to donate as well, that would great.
Cards for the Care Ministry
Clubs Participating: Cubbies
Cubbies will be making cards and gifts for the ill, injured, and hurting of the WCC family. These cards will help give hope, joy and peace to the hurting.
BINGO at Avon Nursing Facility – T&T Club Only
Club Participating: T&T
Another way to serve is by playing games with the residents. 215 Clinton Street, Avon, NY, 14614.
Sing Songs to Avon Nursing Facility Residents
Club Participating: Cubbies, Sparks, & T&T
Another way to serve is by singing song and visiting the residents. Sparks clubbers will visit two different rooms and sing and talk with the residents. If you choose to drive your child there the address is 215 Clinton Street, Avon, NY, 14614.
Compass Care
Club Participating: T&T
All throughout the winter and spring semester, Clubbers will bring in plastic recyclables. These recyclables will be turned in at the recycling center. The money from that will be donated to CompassCare.
Open Door Mission
Club Participating: Sparks
Throughout the winter and spring semester, sparks will bring in plastic forks, napkins & personal care items for Open Door Mission.
Hygiene Bank
Throughout the year, clubbers will bring needed items to help supply the hygiene bank.
Harvest Festival
There will be a variety of fun things going on, which may include, a candy hunt, apple slingshot, games and prizes, sidewalk chalk contest, book reading with pumpkin carving demonstration, bonfire, face painting, crafts, rain (held inside) or shine (held outside).
Crazy Hair Night
Club Participating: Cubbies, Sparks, T&T
Any crazy style is welcomed here. Even washable hair spray paint can be a nice added touch! We will provide more items for more crazy hair decoration during games including but not limited to clips, bows, hair chalk, hair gel, etc.
Silly Night
Club Participating: Cubbies, Sparks, T&T
The kids will dress silly and play games with silly string!
Club Pride Night
Club Participating: Cubbies, Sparks, T&T
The kids wear as much of their club color, even in their hair. Cubbies color is blue, sparks color is red, T&T 3&4th is green T&T5th & 6th is blue.
Pinewood Derby Night
Club Participating: Cubbies, Sparks, T&T
The kids bring in their own pinewood derby cars to race! This event is only for T&T and Sparks. All are welcome to cheer on their friends and siblings.
Donut Night
Club Participating: Cubbies, Sparks, T&T
Clubbers will have silly Donut Games and donuts!
Ugly/Clashy/Tacky Night
Club Participating: Cubbies, Sparks, T&T
Make sure your clothes don’t match on this night – plaids with stripes are in!
Costume Night
Club Participating: Cubbies, Sparks, T&T
Come in your favorite costume. Let your imagination go wild and become any animal, insect, super hero, princess, or TV/cartoon/ movie character.
Pajama Slippers Night
Club Participating: Cubbies, Sparks, T&T
Bring your favorite slippers and have on your PJs.
Ask the Pastors Night
Club Participating: T&T
Is there something you always wanted to know but you were afraid to ask or unsure who to ask? Here’s your chance. Our resident expert, Pastor Kevin Martin will be on hand to answer your questions.
BARF Night
Club Participating: Cubbies, Sparks, T&T
Bring a REAL Friend! How many visitors can we get?
Sdrawkcab Thgin (Backwards Night)
Club Participating: Sparks, T&T
Come with your clothes on backwards. Dluohs eb stol fo nuf!
Black-out Night/Flashlight
Club Participating: Cubbies, Sparks and T&T
Hey! Who turned the lights out? Got a flashlight? Bring it for some special fun! Plan to be … in the DARK. All clubbers will bring their flashlights and have fun flashlight games. Their flashlights will be their only source of light during club. Cubbies will still have a light, but will have fun flashlight games.
Red Night
Club Participating: Cubbies, Sparks, T&T
Make sure you wear as much red or pink for valentine’s night at Awana. During snack time, the clubbers will have a Valentine’s Day Party! Bring valentines to pass out to clubbers. Clubber with the most red or pink will win a bag of yummy candy!
Double Points Night
Club Participating: Cubbies, Sparks, T&T
All points that clubbers earn that week will be doubled.
Hat Night
Club Participating: Cubbies, Sparks, T&T
Clubbers wear their favorite hats to club.
Pickle Palooza Night
Play games with and taste test pickles.
Noodle Night
Play pool noodle games and dry macaroni crafts.
Toilet Paper Night
Play toilet paper games and donate toilet paper and other items to hygiene bank.
Talent Night
Clubbers and leaders bring your “Talents” for a mini talent show.
March Mix Match Madness night
Wear mix match clothes and play games with a basketball.
Zoo Night
Club Participating: Cubbies, Sparks, T&T
Bring a stuffed animal to club, wear clothing with animals on them.
Bible Hero Night
Club Participating: Sparks, T&T
Clubbers dress up as a person from the bible that did a heroic achievement with God’s help.
Soup(er) Bowl Night
Play games with empty cans and football(s) and bring canned soup for food bank… with possible family dinner.
Easter Egg Hunt Night
Club Participating: Cubbies, Sparks and T&T
Clubbers go searching throughout the church or outside for eggs during game time. In the eggs they will find surprises and / or treats!
Movie Night
Club Participating: Cubbies, Sparks, T&T
Clubbers will snack on popcorn and watch a beloved Veggie Tale episode or approved movie during lesson and game time.
Winter Wonderland Night
Play in snow maybe make snow art and other snow related games.
Snow Night
Come with your snow gear on for fun snow activities. Snow Night takes place of games. A lesson and handbook time will still happen.
Mystery Night
Play guessing games. You never know what’s coming next!
Escape Room Night
Awana clubbers work as a team to solve the puzzles to win the game.
Slime Night
Come prepared to make and decorate your very own SLIME!
Science Night
Watch and participate in some cool science experiments.
Egg Drop Night
Bring recyclables to share (bottles, foam, cardboard, etc.) and prepare to work in teams to best protect your egg from being smashed.