Archives: <span>Episode</span>

Mark 9:30-50 – The Gospel of Mark

Wheatland Community Church
Wheatland Community Church
Mark 9:30-50 - The Gospel of Mark

 Jesus predicts his death, again. Jesus teaches His disciples about what it means to be great, Christian unity, care for children, and care for one’s soul.

Mark 9:14-29 – The Gospel of Mark

Wheatland Community Church
Wheatland Community Church
Mark 9:14-29 - The Gospel of Mark

Jesus heals a demon-possessed boy while teaching powerful truths to His disciples about faith.

Mark 9:1-13 – The Gospel of Mark

Wheatland Community Church
Wheatland Community Church
Mark 9:1-13 - The Gospel of Mark

Jesus is transfigured before three of His disciples, showing them a glimpse of His true identity.

Mark 8:34-9:1 – The Gospel of Mark

Wheatland Community Church
Wheatland Community Church
Mark 8:34-9:1 - The Gospel of Mark

Jesus’ calling is not easy. He calls people who want to follow Him into a life like His – self-denial and submission to God. Jesus teaches a powerful principle: To save your life, you must …

Agreement, Rejoicing, Graciousness in the Lord

Wheatland Community Church
Wheatland Community Church
Agreement, Rejoicing, Graciousness in the Lord

The world is constantly changing. The values and heart of God do not change. The church is called to be a reflection of God. We look at Paul’s teaching to agree, rejoice, and be gracious …

Mark 8:27-33 – The Gospel of Mark

Wheatland Community Church
Wheatland Community Church
Mark 8:27-33 - The Gospel of Mark

Who is Jesus? All sorts of people have all sorts of answers. Those closest to Jesus got it right – Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. Jesus revealed to them that not only …

Mark 8:1-21 – The Gospel of Mark

Wheatland Community Church
Wheatland Community Church
Mark 8:1-21 - The Gospel of Mark

Jesus feeds the multitudes again. After some religious leaders demanded a sign from Jesus, He withdrew and taught His disciples to beware of falsehood and evil that was present in political and religious leadership. We …

Mark 7:24-37, 8:22-26 – The Gospel of Mark

Wheatland Community Church
Wheatland Community Church
Mark 7:24-37, 8:22-26 - The Gospel of Mark

Jesus performs three miracles in unusual fashion. Why did Jesus speak to the Syrophoenician woman the way that He did? Why did He heal the deaf and blind men the way He did?